7 Myths About Exercise . . . BUSTED!
Summer inspires activity. Outdoor living and swimsuits work hand-in-hand to inspire more exercise.
That being said, you can still make excuses for not exercising enough. Or–just as bad–you might exercise in ways that undermine your health.
That’s why we put this article together. Let’s dispel the myths about exercise. When you’re done reading this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to exercise for best results…making sure any misperceptions don’t get in your way.
Myth #1: I Can’t Exercise Because I’m Sick
Exercise continues to prove itself as one of the best forms of medicine out there. Certainly when your body is ill, you need rest. You need to reduce stress so your body can do the hard work of healing.
But often enough, bringing in some strategic exercise can make all of the difference. Here are some examples:
• With diabetes, exercise helps increase insulin sensitivity.1
• You should apply caution when it comes to exercising intensively, but regular activity strengthens the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.
• With asthma, exercise can strengthen your lungs and reduce inflammation that causes reduced air flow in the bronchioles. Research shows that exercise may improve adults’ control over asthma symptoms.2
• When it comes to digestion, simply walking more may help counter both constipation and loose bowels.3 4
• Even with cancer, the American Cancer Society recommends exercise as a tool to help minimize the side effects of treatment, helping with nausea and fatigue.5 Some research demonstrates exercise may go a step further by enhancing the effects of cancer therapy in slowing tumor growth.6
Myth #2: I Can’t Exercise Because I’m In Pain
Pain is your body’s way of communicating with you. And certainly, sometimes that pain can tell you something’s wrong and may require therapy and rest–not more action.
But in many cases, pain should not get in the way of getting exercise. In fact, exercise itself may help reduce the pain!
Take arthritis, for example. A 2011 review of studies published in the World Journal of Orthopedics showed exercise reduced the osteoarthritic knee pain.
How does this work?
• Exercise may loosen stiff joints. As you move, blood circulates to the joints bringing in nourishment and taking away metabolites that may contribute to inflammation and stiffness.
• Walking, biking and weight-training may all contribute to increasing the output of synovial fluid, cushioning your joints even better.7
• The more muscle you have, the less strain on your joints. Your muscles act like an exoskeleton scaffold, taking weight off your joints, holding your joints in place, buffering and facilitating movement.8
• Finally several studies indicate exercise may trigger the body’s own anti-inflammatory pain killers such as cytokines.9
Myth #3: The Harder You Exercise, The Better
This is true to a certain extent. Nothing beats an intense workout for building cardiovascular health, muscles, bone density, immunity and more.
But there’s a catch.
Too much of a good thing can turn bad. If you don’t allow your body time to recover from workouts, you can cause more harm than good.
Excessively vigorous exercise can weaken your immune system, damage your heart and destroy your joints.10 11 12
And when it comes to building strong bones, usually helped by exercise – new research shows over-exercising may do just the opposite!
Canadian researchers decided to monitor Olympic rowers for two specific proteins: Osteoprotegerin, a protein that stops mineral loss. And sclerostin, a protein that inhibits new bone formation.
Researchers found that when the rowers trained intensively, their osteoprotegerin levels went down. And their sclerostin levels increased in correspondence with the highest intensity training. Significantly, this is also when researchers observed the highest levels of inflammation in the body.13
How much exercise is too much?
That’s hard to determine universally. But most of the documented damage done by exercise has been with professional athletes or endurance sport enthusiasts like triathletes, those who push themselves to the max.
The key point to bear in mind is this. While your body needs activity, it also needs rest. This is particularly true as we get older and our body’s internal repair mechanisms aren’t as productive.
Exercise makes you stronger because it tells your body to build muscle, repair tissues, and add cardio capacity. But if you don’t give it the time to renew itself, you won’t enjoy all its benefits.
Try to become more in tune with your body to assess how much wear and tear you’re feeling. Make sure you get enough sleep. And if you’re a die-hard exerciser, make sure you schedule a couple rest days each week as well.
Myth #4: Exercise Is All About Discipline
There’s no arguing that exercise requires some discipline. There’s no comparison between snoozing in a hammock and running a mile or walking for 30 minutes.
But it shouldn’t be all about gritting your teeth. In fact, if you find you’re using will power alone to get moving, you may be sabotaging your workout routine over the long run.
Simply put, when you don’t enjoy exercising, you’re less likely to do it.
In contrast, when you get some form of satisfaction from your workout, you’ll do it more often. The challenge should be less in getting through your workout and more in finding a repeatable workout (or two or three!) that you look forward to.
These days there’s an activity for everyone…whether it’s beating up a bag in a kickboxing class…or doing yoga with baby goats climbing all over you (yes, it’s true!) …or working in your garden…or playing soccer with your kids…or exploring the hills on your bike…
You can experiment by looking around and trying a few new things. Find something that you take pleasure in doing. It’s that simple.
And keep finding new things you enjoy so you can mix up your activities. Part of making exercise enjoyable is making it interesting.
Myth #5: I Don’t Have Enough Time To Exercise
Perhaps the greatest excuse for not exercising is that you don’t have the time to do it. Well, research from the last few years blows that myth out of the water!
It turns out, just by alternating high intensity bouts of activity with short rest periods over as little as 7 minutes to half an hour, you can get better exercise gains than if you jogged for an hour. An example of this is doing eight 50-meter sprints with short rests in between.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been shown to yield better endurance levels, better cardiovascular results and even does a better job at helping manage blood sugar levels than the old form of working out.14 One 2017 study published in the scientific journal, Cell Metabolism, indicates it may even help reverse aging at the cellular level.15
And as a special bonus, these HIIT workouts work overtime! For close to two hours after you do a high intensity interval training workout, your body still burns up calories at a higher rate.
The American College Of Sports Medicine highly recommends HIIT workouts, noting that they can be tailored for any person and for any activity.
However, ACSM has indicated a word of caution with this form of exercise. If you’ve been inactive for a while, work closely with a professional trainer and start carefully. Because these forms of activity are high intensity, you may increase your risk of getting injured. And if you’ve had heart issues previously, you may be at greater risk for heart failure or a heart attack. The key to incorporating this safely is to tailor thechallenge to you fitness level then adjust the activity as you level16.
Myth #6: The Only Reason To Exercise Is To Stay Fit
It always helps to have a reason why to exercise . . . That reason can keep you motivated. Even when you’re busy, tired, or distracted by a good movie and the couch.
For many of us, we exercise in order to build muscle and stay trim. Exercise may also help keep our hearts strong and our blood sugar levels in control.
But there are some less obvious benefits to exercise. And these benefits may be ones that convince you to fit activity into your day no matter what . . .
• Exercise may help keep your brain sharp . . .Who doesn’t fear losing the power of memory. Or even worse, sinking into the oblivion of Alzheimer’s. Extensive research shows that exercise not only prevents mental decline, it can even reverse it to some extent.17
• Exercise relieves stress . . . Stress can make you miserable. It may ruin important relationships and undermine your well-being in numerous ways including weight gain. The good thing news is: A short bout of exercise may help you get rid of that monster on your back so it doesn’t eat away at your life.
• Exercise may keep your mood buoyant . . . in a head-to-head study not only did exercise perform as well as antidepressants in staving off depression, it worked better over the long term. Study participants who exercised instead of using meds had a lower rate of relapse into depression than their counterparts on meds.18
Myth #7: I’m Too Old To Exercise
In 2016, relay runner, Ida Keeling wowed the international crowd at the Penn Relays track meet by winning the 100-meter dash for her age group. And then, to top it off, she did 5 push-ups at the finish line.
She was 100 years old.
But here’s the thing, she didn’t start running until age 67.
As Ida demonstrates, you’re never too old to exercise. In fact, Ida swears it’s what keeps her young and active. And she’s not an exception. She’s the rule.
Starting as early as age 30, we start to lose muscle mass and bone density. Exercise may delay this loss and may even reverse it, allowing us to stay active as we age.19
Joseph Baker, a professor of exercise sciences at York University, is fascinated with how aging impacts how well we move. He’s been studying older athletes and assessing how much of their abilities they lose over time.
And when he’s compared older athletes and younger athletes, he’s found that the difference caused by years is less significant than previously thought. Focus, experience and training seem to be more important. For example, when he studied master golfers, he found that while their driving distance decreased somewhat with age, their putting skills did not.20
And while most of the athletes Baker’s studied have exercised most of their life, you’re never too old to start. Studies have shown nursing home residents in their 90’s have benefited from starting exercise.21
For latecomers to the exercise scene, Baker advises, “Start slowly and have a realistic plan for how you can develop your capabilities over an extended period of time… just don’t let negative images of aging and getting older be the measuring stick for your experience.”
No More Excuses: Start Exercising Today!
There’s no reason to not exercise. And there’s every reason to get started right now if you’re not already exercising.
To help you get the most out of your exercise, though, don’t forget the power of nutrition. In particular, Sun Chlorella and Organic Sun Eleuthero.
Chlorella gives your body the nucleic acids and chlorella growth factor (CGF) to support muscle repair and help you get fit. Its rich supply of minerals, like magnesium, help keep your body’s energy metabolism humming along. And antioxidants like chlorophyll and vitamin A, help your body sweep up the free radicals generated by aerobic activity.
As an adaptogen, eleuthero helps your body adjust to stress. So when you put your body through the rigors of a workout, your body may recover better. With many studies behind it, eleuthero has long been a favorite among athletes for its clinically-proven ability to enhance endurance, sharpen reaction time and speed up recovery.
CUSTOMER PROFILE: Rosie Pikus, Loving Retirement
For thirty years, Rosie Pikus and her husband were in the restaurant business. “We were constantly on the go!” In the beginning, when they first started their restaurant, Rosie did everything – dishwashing, bussing tables, hosting, you name it! And as the business grew with a restaurant, a bistro and a catering business, the work was nonstop.
Now five years into retirement, Rosie looks back with amazement at what she did. “I’ll admit it was a little rough the first year of retirement. But now I could never go back!”
Rosie is thoroughly enjoying retirement with traveling to places like Puerto Vallarta in Mexico.
And recently, retirement has gotten even better thanks to a tip from an old friend from the restaurant business, Suzie Shaheen, who now works at Sun Chlorella USA.
When Rosie told Suzie that her right knee was giving her problems, Suzie urged her to try Sun Chlorella.
She gave Rosie a thorough explanation about what Sun Chlorella did for the body, including how Chlorella seemed to facilitate tissue renewal and moderate inflammation in the body. Chlorella’s energizing and appetite-curbing powers also piqued Rosie’s interest.
“She told me all kinds of things that Chlorella would do for this almost-70-year-old.”
Rosie listened carefully. She read through the literature Suzie gave her. And decided to give it a try.
“Within a few days I could feel a difference. I didn’t feel so tired. And my knee was definitely feeling better.”
Reveling in the results from taking Chlorella, she convinced her husband to try it. He was particularly excited about Chlorella’s role in supporting healthy blood sugar metabolism. He also experienced more energy.
And when he went to the doctors for a checkup a month ago, his doctor noted that his blood sugar levels looked particularly good!
“I’m not sure if the Chlorella did it or what. But it was interesting to us that the doctor noted this difference,” says Rosie.
“What I can tell you is this: Whenever I don’t take it, I can feel the difference. I forgot to pack my Chlorella when I went to Puerto Vallarta and I felt so much more tired. I thought, ‘oh my gosh, I need to get back on it again!’ I will never forget it again!”
Rosie takes 1500 mg in the morning and another 1500 mg in the evening after dinner. She always keeps some in her purse, just in case. Her husband follows the same regimen.
In fact everyone in the family is enjoying Sun Chlorella’s nutrition power. Suzie introduced Rosie’s toy rat terrier, Mimi, to Rejuv-A-Wafers. “She loves them!” says Rosie. Before, Mimi used to have a hard time getting up on the couch – someone would have to lift her up. Now she jumps up on her own. Rosie gives her half of a wafer in the morning and half at night.
Rosie has been so pleased with what Chlorella’s done for her family since she started taking it about 8 months ago, that she’s gone on to recommend it to all her friends.
“I simply tell them my story. Most of them have different aches and pains. I tell them what it’s done for my knee and how energized I feel.”
Do you have a Sun Chlorella success story you’d like to share? We’d love to hear yours and publish it in the newsletter. Call us at 1-888-756-9272 ext.2477
1. Balkau B, Mhamdi L, Oppert J-M, et al. Physical activity and insulin sensitivity: the RISC study. Diabetes. 2008;57(10):2613-2618. doi:10.2337/db07-1605.
2. Exercise is associated with improved asthma control in adults S. Dogra, J.L. Kuk, J. Baker, V. Jamnik European Respiratory Journal Feb 2011, 37 (2) 318-323; DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00182209
3. Walking To Relieve Constipation. WebMD. Viewed 6/4/17 at http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/exercise-curing-constipation-via-movement.
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5. Physical Activity And The Cancer Patient. The American Cancer Society website. Viewed 6/4/1 at https://www.cancer.org/treatment/survivorship-during-and-after-treatment/staying-active/physical-activity-and-the-cancer-patient.html
6. Reynolds G. How Exercise May Aid Cancer Treatment. The New York Times. March 5, 2015. Viewed 6/4/17 at https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/03/25/how-exercise-may-aid-cancer-treatment/
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8. Exercising With Osteoarthritis. The Arthritis Foundation website. Viewed 6/4/17 at http://www.arthritis.org/living-with-arthritis/exercise/benefits/osteoarthritis-exercise.php
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13. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). "Intense training without proper recovery may compromise bone health in elite rowers." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 April 2017.
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15. Robinson MM et al. Enhanced Protein Translation Underlies Improved Metabolic and Physical Adaptations to Different Exercise Training Modes in Young and Old Humans. Cell Metabolism, 2017; 25 (3): 581
16. ACSM Information On High Intensity Interval Training brochure. American College of Sports Medicine. Viewed 6/4/17 at https://www.acsm.org/docs/brochures/high-intensity-interval-training.pdf
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