Why Prebiotics Are Your Gut's Favorite Food
How To Feed A Healthy Gut
1 March, 2014 by
Why Prebiotics Are Your Gut's Favorite Food
Sun Chlorella USA

Usually, when you think about getting good nutrition to feed your body, you're thinking about feeding your human cells.

But here's a surprising fact . . . You should be paying just as much attention to feeding the non-human cells inside of you.

That's where prebiotics come in . . .

See, your body has more bacterial cells than human cells - trillions of them. They outnumber our human cells 10 to 1.[1] And while some of these microbes living inside of you aren't so good, many of them are key to your good health. These bacteria keep your immune system sharp and strong, they help you digest food, they even produce certain nutrients.

Because they're so good for your health, these friendly bacteria are called "probiotics" which means "for life."

But here's the thing . . . these probiotics don't eat the same food we do. So in addition to eating for your liver and spleen cells, you have to start thinking about eating for your bacteria cells as well.

And what do these tiny health allies eat?

Feed Your Probiotics With Probiotics

Prebiotic food is fiber we can't digest. But probiotic bacteria love it. For example, the helpful bifidobacteria that live in your colon turn this fiber into butyric acid which not only feeds them, but also helps feed your colon cells.

And when you feed these helpful bacteria right, your body can respond in amazing ways.

In one 2012 University of Illinois study involving patients whose intestines had stopped working, researchers were amazed to find that simply by feeding patients fructooligosaccharides (one of the fibers the gut bacteria likes to snack on), they could regrow the intestines and improve intestinal function significantly.[2]

So what kinds of foods feed these friendly bacteria with the fiber they need? Wheat, onions, chicory and garlic all have been shown to be great sources of prebiotics.

The good bacteria in your gut also love the fiber and nutrients found in chlorella algae. Thanks to its rich supply of prebiotic food, chlorella can actually triple the rate of growth of good bacteria in the gut.[3]

Nature's Health Experts Recommend Prebiotics For Overall Health

Prebiotics are gaining lots of attention in the nutrition world. Natural health practitioners consider the relationship between you and the friendly bacteria inside of you to be a key factor in your health. "I love talking about the gut and stomach," says Dr. David Nelson, Ph D. of the Center for Advanced Medicine. "Because they're probably the most important organ of the body in determining whether you're going to be healthy or sick."

"We need to have a good quantity of healthy bacteria in our intestines," adds Dr. Mark Drucker, MD also from the Center for Advanced Medicine. "When people don't feel well often they have an imbalance of microorganisms in the digestive system."

You can't afford to neglect these good bacteria. When you give them the prebiotics they need to survive and thrive, you'll flourish as well

About Dr. Michael E. Rosenbaum, MD 

Dr. Rosenbaum is a 35-year veteran and widely recognized pioneer in the field of nutritional medicine, alternative healthcare and medical acupuncture. As one of America's most respected experts in natural health and healing, Dr. Rosenbaum has been a frequent lecturer to professional medical groups and has participated in numerous television and radio talk shows. He is also an esteemed member of the Sun Chlorella Advisory Board, which helps guide the medical innovation behind Sun Chlorella products.

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[1] Pollan, M. Say Hello To The 100 Trillion Bacteria That Make Up Your Microbiome. New York Times. May 2013. Viewed 1/4/14 at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/19/magazine/say-hello-to-the-100-trillion-bacteria-that-make-up-your-microbiome.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 
[2] University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (2012, October 15). Prebiotic may help patients with intestinal failure grow new and better gut. ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 20, 2013, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2012/10/121015142407.htm 
[3] The diverse effects of chlorella, Management, Menu for Mass Feeding, June 1966, reprinted by Scientific Reports on Chlorella in Japan, Silpaque Pulbishing

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