Watch Worthy Run! A Horse Rescue Story
By: Dr. William Farber, DVM
1 April, 2013 by
Watch Worthy Run! A Horse Rescue Story
Sun Chlorella USA

For 2 years, Sun Chlorella has been supporting the work of animal rescue organization The Gentle Barn. Here is an update on The Gentle Barn's most recent horse rescue . . .

Three horses charge across the green field, their tails flying in the wind behind them.

You could see the pure joy in each of them as they raced together. For this was no ordinary day. Today, a brother and 2 sisters were reunited after months of separation. Today a family was made whole again thanks to the work of the Gentle Barn.

See, close to a year before this happy reunion, one of the galloping horses could barely walk. Worthy, the youngest, had been born with a common horse deformity called Windswept Angular Limb Deformity. It gave her a knocked knee.

Usually corrective surgery is performed soon after birth. However, Worthy did not receive this care. Consequently, she suffered with the deformity for a year, painfully hobbling around and losing weight dramatically.

How Her Spirit Made The Difference In This Horse Rescue

Her condition was so bad that the surgeon The Gentle Barn consulted with about her problem recommended putting her down. But after meeting Worthy, Gentle Barn founder Ellie Laks sensed Worthy had a strong fighting spirit in her. She decided they should give Worthy every chance she had to fight for a life of freedom and movement.

Leaving their brother, Chris, behind, Worthy and her sister, Indie, were taken to the Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Kentucky. Thanks to the highly skilled team of surgeons, Worthy was given this second chance. After removing a wedge of her leg bone, Worthy's leg straightened out.

To make sure the recovery from surgery went as smoothly as possible, The Gentle Barn folks have made sure Worthy gets lots of love. And thanks to Sun Chlorella's donations of powdered and liquid chlorella and the pet nutrition supplementRejuv-A-Wafers, she's getting the best nutrition ever.

Sun Chlorella's chlorophyll and chlorella growth factor (CGF) are perfect for helping Worthy's leg grow strong and healthy after surgery. In the 1940's and 50's, chlorophyll was a favorite of surgeons in helping wounds heal properly. Chlorella has more concentrated chlorophyll than any other plant on earth. CGF has the amazing ability to help tissues rebuild quickly and solidly.

All this special care has paid off. Because now - only a few months since her surgery - Worthy can gallop over to greet her brother and welcome him to her pasture in Kentucky where she's staying until her leg is strong enough for her to travel to The Gentle Barn in California.

As a veterinarian, there is nothing like seeing an animal rejoice in feeling the power of life course through her body. You'd never know Worthy had to hobble painfully through her first year of life. After the successful surgery and all the love and nourishment, she's running like she's been running since the day she was born.

The joy brought about by this horse rescue and all the other acts of courage like it can inspire us all to believe in the healing power of love and have a greater respect for life.

About Dr. William Farber, DVM
Dr. William Farber earned his degree from Colorado State University of Veterinary Medicine. He is a well-recognized authority on animal acupuncture, and one of the only 300 veterinarians certified by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association. In treating the mind and spirit as well as the body, Dr. Farber combines standard Western techniques with chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and herbal therapies to treat whatever ails, the rats, guinea pigs, horses, dogs, cats, and other creatures who seek his help. He is also an esteemed member of the Sun Chlorella Advisory Board, which helps guide the medical innovation behind Sun Chlorella products.

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