Chlorella is a single-celled, freshwater algae that
It's speculated that planet Earth faced an
The Chlorella Cell Wall
If you're confused as to how chlorella survived on Earth for such a long stretch of time, a tough outer shell may begin to offer an explanation.
Chlorella's cell wall is made out of cellulose, an extremely fibrous and insoluble type of polysaccharide. This powerful cell wall has, without a doubt, played a key role in chlorella's survival. It can also explain why chlorella's existence has not been interfered with throughout the process of evolution.
While the chlorella cell wall has allowed the organism to thrive on Earth, it is much too tough for the human body to break down. As humans, we lack the necessary enzyme to efficiently digest cellulose and therefore cannot receive the health benefits of chlorella beyond the cell wall.
Chlorella: A Natural Health Product You Don't Want to Miss Out On
Although it sounds impossible to digest, chlorella contains high concentrations of chlorophyll, plant-based protein, antioxidant vitamins that act as immune system boosters, Chlorella Growth Factor (
Now that we know the benefits of chlorella, we are left with the question of how chlorella can become more digestible so we can reap the benefits of this highly intelligent plant food.
The Only Way Chlorella Can Be Digested
In order for the human body to be able to efficiently digest, absorb and assimilate the nutrients from chlorella, the tough chlorella cell wall must be processed. Naturally, an effective processing method for pre-digesting the outer shell must be in place for this to happen.
Various processing methods have been created to allow the cell wall to open to
The Problem With Chlorella Supplements Today
As with any of the various nutritional supplements on the market today, the method of processing matters. The way a natural supplement is processed can make or break its nutritional use, value
Multiple methods have been discovered that work to break down the cell wall and make chlorella digestible. The only problem with this is that while effective in breaking the chlorella cell wall down, not all processing methods are safe and keep the essential nutrients
One method commonly used to help destroy chlorella's cell wall is blanching. Blanching breaks down the outer shell with extreme heat; however, the heat also has the ability to destroy the nutrients in chlorella at the same time. This mechanism simultaneously eliminates the nutrients located within the cell wall.
Milling processes are another popular type of method for breaking down chlorella's cell wall. Milling, which is essentially grinding down the shell, can be effective but if not conducted carefully will destroy the nutrients by exposing them to heat and light. Since chlorella is highly sensitive to both of these elements, the nutrients are at risk of becoming oxidized, rendering the chlorella supplement void of its life-giving nutrients.
Heat freezing is another method used to manufacture chlorella supplements and break through the tough outer shell. It's recommended to avoid any chlorella supplement that has undergone heat freezing as the rotation between extreme hot and cold temperatures damages the essential nutrients within the cell wall. You may also come across other processing methods such as spray dried chlorella, cold milling chlorella, sound wave broken chlorella and broken cell wall chlorella. These methods
In addition to harmful processing methods, there are also concerns as to whether the chlorella supplement you choose is free from heavy metals such as lead, mercury or aluminum. Heavy metals are toxic to the body and are already present in the air we breathe, household products and our food supply. The last thing you need to do is take in extra heavy metals from a health food supplement.
Several supplements (not just chlorella) contain synthetic additives, binders
Magnesium stearate is just one example of a synthetic ingredient that is added to supplements to make the manufacturing process go more smoothly and reduce costs
Binders, fillers
Another non-negotiable factor with chlorella supplements is the quality of packaging. As you now know, chlorella is heat and light sensitive, so it must be packaged in a careful way to avoid exposure to these elements that cause spoilage. Each chlorella manufacturer will have a different chosen method of packaging, so be sure to ask questions about the sealing and protection of your chlorella supplement to avoid ingesting oxidized algae.
While the list is getting long for the issues we face when choosing a chlorella supplement today, it's crucial to note that the origin of your chlorella is of utmost importance. In certain parts of the world, the concentration of heavy metals and other toxic residues can be much higher in the water chlorella is grown in. This is true for China, where the chlorella is considered highly toxic [4] due to the levels of pollution. Japan, Korea
The Chlorella Cell Wall Solution: Sun Chlorella DYNO-Mill Processing for Pure and Potent Chlorella Supplements
The concerns surrounding chlorella supplements may now seem overwhelming, but rest assured there are efficient methods today that allow you to obtain high quality chlorella supplements.
The DYNO®-Mill Process is one of today's only modern chlorella manufacturing methods that allows a chlorella supplement to become highly digestible, resulting in a pulverized cell wall chlorella.
In knowing which factors are dangerous to chlorella supplements, extreme caution is taken through DYNO®-Mill processing without using any heat, light or chemical sources. This method keeps chlorella's valuable nutrients in tact without creating any further toxicity or oxidation.
Because of the efficiency of DYNO®-Mill processing, Sun Chlorella's tablets and powder are manufactured using only this method. Sourced from
No binders and fillers are present in Sun Chlorella tablets or powder, which means the only ingredient you are ingesting is pure chlorella. Sun Chlorella tablets and powder are carefully packed into an airtight, light-resistant and moisture-resistant re-sealable foil package. The aluminum package helps to keep chlorella fresh; however, it is lined with a food grade plastic that has been hermetically sealed to ensure that Sun Chlorella tablets absolutely never come in contact with the aluminum.
Regardless of which chlorella supplement you choose, you now have all of the information you need to determine which chlorella product is best for you. In knowing these facts, you can ask appropriate questions about chlorella processing and manufacturing to avoid ingesting an oxidized chlorella supplement or unnecessary toxins.
About Brandi Wagner, RHN
Brandi Wagner is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist from Vancouver, B.C. Experiencing her own health challenges at a young age led her to become passionate about educating on the healing properties of food, and how to achieve hormone balance, clear skin and sustainable weight loss naturally. In her spare time you'll find Brandi writing in her blog and hanging out with her teacup chihuahua, Coconut.
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