How To Unplug Online: 6 Tips To Counter Technology Overload
By: Marisela Martinez
1 May, 2010 by
How To Unplug Online: 6 Tips To Counter Technology Overload
Sun Chlorella USA

Without question, technology makes our lives easier. With smart phones, you've got information at your fingertips wherever you go. Remember when you had to consult maps, leaf through phone books, make a trip to the public library and call up friends for restaurant reviews? No longer do you have to go through all of this.

However, there's a downside to all this. It's easy to get so absorbed in your phone that you end up feeling scatterbrained, depressed and tired. As we focus on our phone, we often neglect dealing with things in the world around us . . . and because of this, we end up feeling stressed and overwhelmed!

So instead of letting your smart phone steal your mental health, steal your time and life back.

Here are 6 tips for setting limits to smart phone use so you can build your life outside of the online world.

1. Eat screen-free meals.

Instead focus on your family or on your own thoughts. Savor the food you're eating. When our attention gets focused on the screen in front of us, we don't notice what we're eating or how much. Eating our meals in front of a screen has been linked to overeating and weight gain.

And when it comes to relating, put your smart phone away. Instead of texting, talk to the person you're eating with and listen to their responses.

2. Make cooking for yourself a regular thing - even if you're tired.

See it as a ritual of caring for yourself and your family. Turn off the phone and get into the zen experience - smelling the ingredients, noticing the process as your meal prep progresses.

3. Get physical with exercise.

Getting active returns you to the physical world and helps you regain focus and awareness. Retune your senses to observe how you're feeling and what's going on around you. Notice the change of seasons and the neighborhood happenings along your favorite running route.

4. Think instead of googling.

Can't think of a name or got a question you need answered? Instead of quickly looking it up on Google, spend some time wracking your brain or pondering. Even start a discussion by asking someone nearby. When you exercise your mind this way you increase your creativity and problem-solving skills.

5. Don't take your phone to bed

Even if you say you only use your phone as an alarm, it's too tempting to check email before bed. Increasingly, both children and adults report their phones interrupt their sleep and keep them up at night. It doesn't cost much to buy an alarm clock. Leave your phone in a desk drawer or in the kitchen. But don't take it into your bedroom. Safeguard that space as a place for you to dream and relax.

6. Unplug evenings, weekends or vacations

Identify some times to commit absolutely to separating yourself from the phone. Start small so you won't break your pledge. You can start with just an evening or two a week. Simply turn your phone off, put it away and spend the time discovering what's going on inside you - not on Twitter.

It may be hard at first since we're used to the phone's presence throughout our waking hours. But like any habit it can be broken. Enjoy the changes this brings to your life. Eventually, see if you can work up to a whole weekend - or even a vacation week - without touching your phone.

Put Your Tech-Gear On Hold And Enjoy The Results

Technology can make our lives better - but only when we're in control. Unfortunately, it's easy to lose perspective and get sucked into the easy-gratification and distractions offered online.

Even worse, as we neglect our offline lives more and more, problems mount up. And if we don't watch it, we can end up escaping into our phones instead of managing these challenges.

So instead, put these steps into action. Regain balance, focus, and awareness. Regain control over your technology - and consequently - your life. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel by putting technology in its place.

About Marisela Martinez
After a year's rigorous training through the Global College of Natural Medicine, Marisela Martinez gained certification as a holistic health advisor. She currently trains Sun Chlorella USA's customer service representatives and provides individual customer consultations. When she's not helping Sun Chlorella customers access the nutrition information they need, Marisela can be found with friends and family, hiking, digging in her garden or playing with her Chihuahua puppy, Fred.

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