How to Quit Coffee with Ease
By: Brandi Wagner, RHN
1 September, 2017 by
How to Quit Coffee with Ease
Sun Chlorella USA

If you're a regular coffee drinker, saying adios to your daily - or more than once daily -cuppa can be an alarming thought. For many of us, coffee is a morning ritual and something we enjoy for its comforting bitter taste and signature earthy aroma. It's an addictive part of our daily routine and when removed, we fear our day will feel incomplete without it. We don't even want to think about how to quit coffee!

There are even acclaimed health benefits linked to drinking coffee. Studies have suggested there are compounds in coffee that help prevent type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's Disease and liver disease [1]. Surely these are good enough reasons to keep coffee in our diets, right?

The truth is, having one cup of coffee a day isn't the worst thing in the world. However, like anything to do with health, drinking coffee or not depends entirely on the individual's current state of health and wellness.

Coffee is addictive - we all know that. Even if giving it up is a challenge, you might consider how to quit coffee because of drink's side effects. It provides us with a false sense of energy or a "jolt” that spikes and crashes blood sugar levels, which leaves us reaching for our next caffeine fix and entering a vicious cycle. Coffee has also been shown to interfere with the absorption of crucial vitamins and minerals in the body and deplete the body of calcium and magnesium it stores. In addition, most coffee is highly sprayed with pesticides unless certified organic.

A stressed nervous system is also negatively impacted by coffee. Coffee wears out the adrenal glands (the glands on top of the kidneys that control our stress response) and promotes anxiety. Caffeine consumption can also interfere with the proper sleep the body requires for repair and regeneration. Since coffee is dehydrating, it puts stress on the kidneys and can lead to or worsen constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux and other digestive disorders.

As you can see, there are pros and cons to drinking coffee. If you're in good health, coffee is best consumed in moderation from a fair trade organic source. If you desire to quit coffee or to reduce your regular coffee consumption, here is how to quit coffee in 5 simple steps.

1. Start Your Day Off With a Glass of Lemon Water First 

Caffeine withdrawal headaches are one of the main reasons why it's so hard to quit coffee in the first place. Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning rather than coffee will energize you, provide you with essential vitamins and minerals and ensure you start your day off hydrated, leaving you less prone to headaches.

2. Drink Green Tea 

Green tea has the same energizing effects as caffeine but without the blood sugar crash and spike. Green tea is also full of antioxidants and the amino acid l-theanine, which has an overall calming effect on the nervous system. Drink it iced or hot and flavour it with your favourite fruits and superfoods. Green tea with Sun Wasaka Gold Plus and frozen raspberries makes a delicious, energizing and refreshing patio drink!

3. Drink Magnesium 

To help with caffeine withdrawal headaches, drink powdered magnesium.

Constipation can also be a side effect in the initial coffee quitting stage. If this is true for you, magnesium will help support the digestive system to keep things moving smoothly.

4. Use The Power of Adaptogens for Energy

An adaptogen blend or other powerful adaptogenic herbs such as Organic Sun Eleuthero are fabulous alternatives to caffeine. You can drink Organic Sun Eleuthero in Sun Eleuthero Extract. Not only do they provide the same desirable effects of coffee, such as energy and mental focus, but they help the body cope with stress by supporting the adrenal glands and providing all around antioxidant vitamin nourishment.

5. Save Your Coffee For the Afternoon 

Quitting coffee is a process and it can be difficult to go cold turkey. As you begin to wean yourself off coffee, you may still experience cravings. If so, have one cup of coffee in the afternoon instead (no later than 4pm). The time of day that you have coffee can impact how many cups you reach for. As a heavy coffee drinker (3 or more cups a day), your energy levels throughout the day are less likely to be impacted by drinking one cup of coffee in the afternoon opposed to first thing in the morning.

About Brandi Wagner, RHN
Brandi Wagner is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist from Vancouver, B.C. Experiencing her own health challenges at a young age led her to become passionate about educating on the healing properties of food, and how to achieve hormone balance, clear skin and sustainable weight loss naturally. In her spare time you'll find Brandi writing in her blog and hanging out with her teacup chihuahua, Coconut.

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