How to Eat For Energy: 7 Powerful Superfoods
Boost your energy levels with these potent superfoods. No need for a double cappuccino anymore!
1 May, 2021 by
How to Eat For Energy: 7 Powerful Superfoods
Vanessa Burris

Energy Stealing Culprits

There are obvious reasons for tiredness, such as a lack of quality sleep. But on the days you feel fatigued and can't understand why, one or more of these culprits could be stealing your energy. 

You Drink Coffee 

Espresso may seem like a godsend for when your energy levels fade, especially if you have an important meeting or spin class to catch. But coffee could be the exact reason why your energy levels are zapped in the first place. 

You see, caffeine gives you a "buzz" (perceived as energy) because it blocks the adenosine receptors in your brain that tell your body you're tired. This tricks your body into thinking you feel energized. That is until the caffeine wears off and you're tired again. Caffeine can also spike and crash your blood sugar levels, especially if you add sugar or syrup to your coffee.

Tired man wiping his face

Since blood sugar levels directly influence energy levels, a rapid blood sugar spike results in a quick burst of energy. The only problem with this is the quicker your blood sugar levels spike, the sooner they'll crash. You can think of a blood sugar spike and crash as a "what goes up, must come down" situation guaranteed to leave you fatigued and ready for another cup of coffee. And so, the vicious cycle of caffeine and artificial energy begins. 

Caffeine can also spike and crash your blood sugar levels, especially if you add sugar or syrup to your coffee. Since blood sugar levels directly influence energy levels, a rapid blood sugar spike results in a quick burst of energy. The only problem with this is the quicker your blood sugar levels spike, the sooner they'll crash. You can think of a blood sugar spike and crash as a "what goes up, must come down" situation guaranteed to leave you fatigued and ready for another cup of coffee. And so, the vicious cycle of caffeine and artificial energy begins. 

You're Deficient in One or More Essential Nutrients 

Carbohydrates are the macronutrient our body depends on for energy. We get carbohydrates from whole grains, fruit, and vegetables. But to convert carbs to energy, our body needs the help of certain natural vitamins and minerals.

While many vitamins and minerals help with energy production, the B vitamins, especially B12, play a key role in converting carbs into usable energy. 

And while most foods contain at least one of the B vitamins, B12 is primarily found in animal products.

This is why those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet are at a greater risk for B12 deficiency. 
It should also be mentioned that regular caffeine consumption might deplete B vitamins, another reason coffee can be considered an energy saboteur. 

Your Body is Holding on to Toxins

We're exposed to toxins daily from the air we breathe, pesticides and additives in food, chemicals, and other toxins, such as heavy metals in our water. That's not to mention toxins in body care products, household products, cosmetics, and prescription drugs.

Busy walkway
When we absorb these toxins, our body (in particular, the liver) works hard to eliminate them before they can cause damage to our cells. But when we're exposed to so many toxins regularly, our liver can become overburdened, which allows toxins to accumulate in our cells. So, what does this have to do with your energy levels? Simply put, energy production and transport happen in our cells.

So when our cells are clogged with toxins, you can bet they'll have difficulty doing their jobs efficiently. Toxins in your cells may also reduce the amount of oxygen that enters your cells.

This can cause fatigue and exhaustion because your cells require oxygen to break down sugar (glucose) into energy. 

You're Dehydrated 

How much water do you drink each day? It's estimated that 75% of Americans are dehydrated, which may be why many of us are tired. 

Dehydration contributes to low energy by reducing your blood circulation. And without good circulation and oxygen flow, it's harder for your body to produce energy. 

The minimum amount of water you need daily isn't a one-size-fits-all equation.

You can find out roughly how much water your body needs with this equation: 
Your body weight in pounds / 2 = ____ ounces of water you should drink daily. 

Woman drinking water

Of course, you'll want to drink extra water on hot days, after intense exercise, and when drinking dehydrating beverages like coffee or alcohol. Lifestyle factors like a lack of exercise and chronic stress can also contribute to low energy levels.

Regular exercise can help regulate your sleep and wake cycle and promote deeper sleep, contributing to more energy throughout the day. Stressful emotions, such as worry and anxiety, can also be draining and tire you. 
Luckily, many powerful superfoods have nutritional properties that can help improve some of these lifestyle habits.

While certain changes are up to you, such as drinking more water, some superfoods can help promote natural body detox and stress relief and contain energizing B vitamins. 

Powerful Superfoods That Will Leave You Energized

Adding these superfoods to your diet could energize you so much that you forget about the double cappuccino. Here's how to eat for energy with these 7 powerful superfoods.

1. Maca Root

Maca root is grown in the mountains of Peru and is said to be an effective superfood for increasing energy and stamina. Maca belongs to a class of herbs called adaptogens, which help support the adrenal glands and improve your body's ability to cope with and adapt to stress. 

Adaptogenic herbs are known for naturally energizing without the jitters, making maca root a healthier coffee replacement. Maca's coffee-like, bitter flavor is used in many caffeine-free, herbal alternatives to coffee. 

Maca is also said to be rich in several of the B vitamins needed for energy production. 

You can take maca as a nutritional supplement in capsules or as a powder added to smoothies and cold-pressed juices. Maca root can be found at your local health food store.

2. Wheat Grass

There's a reason why you'll find wheatgrass shots being served up for energy at juice bars and health food stores.

Wheatgrass is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins and minerals and contains a special energizing nutrient called chlorophyll
If you haven't heard of chlorophyll before, it's a pigment that gives plants green color.

Close-up of plant leaf

Chlorophyll helps facilitate the process of photosynthesis by allowing plants to absorb energy for light. Therefore, when we ingest chlorophyll, we can also absorb energy at a cellular level. 
Chlorophyll also contains magnesium, a calming mineral that can relieve stress. By reducing your stress levels through proper nutrition, you may find that your energy levels increase naturally. 

Wheatgrass contains approximately 70% chlorophyll, making it an excellent superfood to start your morning off with. If you have a juicer at home, you can juice fresh wheatgrass from the wheatgrass plant found at most health food stores. Wheatgrass can also be found in powdered form, which makes it convenient to add to your green smoothies and juices. 

3. Coconut Oil

If you haven't added coconut oil to your diet, you're missing out on one of the best nutrients for energy: medium chain triglycerides, or MCTs. 

Medium-chain triglycerides are a fatty acid in this superfood that can be used by the body for energy right away. Unlike other fatty acids stored in the body, such as long-chain fatty acids, MCTs get digested and absorbed rapidly, providing an instant energy source to the body. 

Coconut oil has countless uses, which makes it easy to add to your diet. 
 You can use coconut oil for cooking on high heat because it's stable when exposed to high temperatures. You can blend it with your smoothies, add it to herbal tea, and drizzle melted coconut oil on your veggies. 

While coconut oil is solid at room temperature in colder climates, it makes a great substitute for vegetable oils in baking recipes when melted. 

If you are a coffee drinker, adding a tablespoon of coconut oil may help prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes and reduce the caffeine jitters. 

4. Chlorella

Chlorella is an amazing green superfood you won't want to miss out on if you regularly suffer from low energy. Chlorella is so effective for boosting energy that it's often used in protocols for reducing fatigue related to many disorders.

Chlorella is naturally energizing because of the nutrient profile it contains. As an excellent source of the antioxidant vitamin beta-carotene, chlorella may help detox the body naturally, which leads to increased energy. 

Chlorella Powder

Chlorella is also one of the richest sources of chlorophyll, which, as you now know, helps provide us with energy at a cellular level. But one of the primary reasons chlorella may provide long-lasting energy is because it's one of the only plant foods to contain a highly absorbable form of vitamin B12.

This makes chlorella an ideal superfood for those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. Since B12 deficiency is common in frequently fatigued people, taking chlorella daily may help replenish your B12 stores and boost your energy levels naturally. You can add chlorella to your diet by taking Sun Chlorella® tablets as a nutritional supplement or adding Sun Chlorella
® powder to your smoothies or food recipes.

5. Beetroot Juice

Beets, specifically beetroot juice, have recently gained attention as a natural energizer- especially for athletes. This is because beetroot juice contains nitrates, which improve oxygen and blood flow throughout the body.

Nitrates provide energy at a cellular level because they help the body produce a molecule called nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels to allow more oxygen to flow through. And the more oxygen you have flowing through your body, the more energy you'll receive.

6. Goji Berries

Goji berries have been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine to help improve energy and "Qi", the life force or breath flowing through your body. 

Goji berries are an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins, especially vitamin C. Vitamin C helps disarm toxins or free radicals that can congest or damage your cells and impair energy production. 

Goji berries can be eaten raw or dried. Since they grow wild in China, it's more common to find goji berries dried or ground into a powder at health food stores throughout North America. 

7. Eleuthero

Lastly, eleuthero, also known as Siberian Ginseng, is another superfood used for thousands of years to help stimulate the flow of energy and life force, or Qi, throughout the body. 

Organic Sun Eleuthero Product

As an adaptogenic herb, eleuthero may help reduce your body's stress response and promote a stronger sense of happiness and well-being. Eleuthero has also been shown to increase oxygen uptake in the body, which is why it's favored as one of the best supplements to increase energy by endurance athletes.

You can add Organic Sun Eleuthero® to your diet as a nutritional supplement in the form of Organic Sun Eleuthero® tablets.

As you can see, certain superfoods can boost energy levels and provide superior nutrition. By trying new superfoods and making small, positive changes to your lifestyle that support your energy levels, you'll soon have more energy than you know what to do with.

Ready to Find Your Chlorella?

Find your best chlorella that fits your lifestyle. Sun Chlorella offers easy-to-take small tablets, larger tablets, and powder form.

Shop Now

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