How To Boost Immune System Health With Nutrition: 5 Critical Nutrients
By: Michael E. Rosenbaum
1 March, 2012 by
How To Boost Immune System Health With Nutrition: 5 Critical Nutrients
Sun Chlorella USA

With winter firmly here, you need a healthy immune system more than ever.

Because of this, it's important to take extra care of your body's hard working defenses.

Here are 5 nutrients your immune system needs in order to survive - no, thrive - this winter.

Your Immune System Needs Protein

The simple lentil bean gained fame for fueling the Roman army during their campaigns.

The lentil was so important because it fed the hardworking soldiers the protein they needed. Our immune system is no different . . .

As nutrition doctor, Dr. Michael Rosenbaum, MD explains, "Your immune system is especially sensitive to nutritional deficiencies." He points out that our immune cells have some of the highest turnover rates of any cells in the body. Every four days, these cells are replaced. And this requires lots of nutritional building blocks.

Chlorella provides more protein per gram than steak - enough to fuel an army.

Your Immune System Needs Antioxidants

Because one of our immune system tactics involves "bombing" the enemy with high doses of free radicals, our immune system cells need extra antioxidant ""armor"" as protection from friendly fire.

Chlorella gives your body antioxidants like vitamin C, beta carotene, chlorophyll and vitamin E.

In fact in one study, chlorophyll put out more antioxidant protection than even the powerful vitamin C or glutathione.[1] And chlorella has more chlorophyll than any other plant on this planet.

Your Immune System Needs Vitamin D

For a long time scientists have known that vitamin D shores up our immune system. But now we're starting to learn how it helps.

Apparently, when one of your immune system's T-cells comes across a potential invader, not only does it sound the alarm, but it also divides and multiplies in order to bolster its ranks.

However, before it does any of this, it puts up something like a little antenna to detect if there is adequate vitamin D in the blood. If there is, the T-cell goes forward in building its army. However, if it can't find enough D in your blood, it will ignore the threat.[2]

Other recent research shows cells in your lungs and gums produce their own antibiotics only if you've got enough D around. [3]

Three grams of chlorella gives you 1161 mg of vitamin D. Just about what most health experts recommend on a daily basis.

Your Immune System Needs Beta-Carotene

We tend to think about our immune system as limited to the specialized cells that patrol our blood stream. However, the first defense we have is really our skin and our mucous membranes.

If your skin and mucus membranes lose their integrity, you've lost this first crucial wall of defense. Beta-carotene provides important nutrition for keeping your skin and mucus membranes healthy and strong.

Chlorella contains a nice 845 IU of beta-carotene or vitamin A in every 3 g serving.

That's six times the beta-carotene in spinach!

Your Immune System Needs Beta Glucans

Since the 1980's scientists have been noting the powerful way unique starches in chlorella seem to fortify the immune system. These starches seem to increase the activity of specialized immune cells called macrophages, stimulate immune messenger chemicals and even help the immune system zone in on trouble spots.[4]

Scientists are still working on identifying the exact chemistry of these unique immune-boosting starches. But in 2008, one of them was identified as a beta-glucan. Many health experts attribute their presence in chlorella to some of its especially potent immune-supporting properties.

As one immune researcher put it, beta-glucans can transform an organism into an "arsenal defense". While the total amount of beta-glucans in chlorella is still unknown, we know for sure that its singular starches provide exceptional immune support.

Nothing Beats Your Immune System

Humans are pretty inventive. Our creativity has changed our quality of life infinitesimally over the centuries.

But nature still outdoes us in many areas. We have yet to best the sophistication, flexibility, and precise responsiveness of our immune system when it comes to warding off illness or recovering from a bug.

Over the past few years, in fact, the medical community has backed off from attacking your body's natural response to illness - you know, the stuffy noses, coughs and fevers. Doctors are acknowledging that these symptoms are more helpful than harmful. They are your body's means of flushing, expelling and burning out germs that would otherwise make you their home.

So what's the latest advice? Don't interfere with these symptoms too much. But do everything you can to strengthen your body so it can fight more effectively.

As a preventative measure, make sure you exercise. Get enough rest. And eat well to give yourself the ingredients for a healthy defense.

Chlorella fits in perfectly to this strategy. Its powerful green nutrition will help you and your immune system stay strong and healthy as you enter the cold months of the year.

So you can enjoy winter - not dread it.

About Michael E. Rosenbaum, MD
Dr. Michael E. Rosenbaum is a 35-year veteran and widely recognized pioneer in the field of nutritional medicine, alternative healthcare and medical acupuncture. As one of America's most respected experts in natural health and healing, Dr. Rosenbaum has been a frequent lecturer to professional medical groups and has participated in numerous television and radio talk shows. He is also an esteemed member of the Sun Chlorella Advisory Board, which helps guide the medical innovation behind Sun Chlorella products.

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[1] Kamat JP et al. Chlorophyllin as an effective antioxidant against membrane damage in vitro and ex vivo. Biochim Biophys Acta.2000 Sep 27;1487(2-3):113-27. 
[2] University of Copenhagen (2010, March 8). Vitamin D crucial to activating immune defenses. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 15, 2011, from­ /releases/2010/03/100307215534.htm 
[3] American Society for Microbiology (2011, June 18). More evidence vitamin D boosts immune response. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 15, 2011, from­ /releases/2011/06/110617185105.htm 
[4] Suarez ER et al. Isolation of phosphorylated polysaccharides from algae: the immunostimulatory principle of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Carbohydr Res. 2010 Jun 16;345(9):1190-204. Epub 2010 Apr 10. 

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