How The Adaptogen, Eleuthero, Benefits Your Brain
By: Dr. Michael Rosenbaum
1 October, 2013 by
How The Adaptogen, Eleuthero, Benefits Your Brain
Sun Chlorella USA

Looking for a good way to keep your brain sharp? Consider the adaptogen, eleuthero. As you'll soon discover, eleuthero benefits the brain in a pretty unique way.

What do I mean?

Let's go back fifty years ago - the 1960's. Imagine you're at work as a wireless telegraph operator . . .

You spend your day, crouched over a Telex machine, translating words on paper into clicks. Your fingers tense, hovering over the keyboard as you quickly send out an urgent alert . . .

People come in and out of your office, sometimes literally breathing down your neck as you transmit their telegraphs.

You focus intently. Every tap of the keyboard counts. A tiny stumble that sends out the wrong series of clicks can change the meaning of the entire message.

However, thanks to a new herbal drink you'd been given by your supervisor, you're able to perform flawlessly. Your speed and accuracy soars. You can't help but notice how your supervisor shakes his head, chuckling, as he reviews the day's reports.

What was in that special herbal drink? The adaptogenic herb, eleuthero.In tests conducted in the 1960's, operators who took the adaptogen, eleuthero, had faster telegraphing times and fewer mistakes. 

Tests on proofreaders found the same thing. 

[1]Eleuthero helps your brain perform at its best. But even more particularly, eleuthero helps your brain perform optimally especially when you're under pressure!

How Stress Kills Your Brain Power

While you're probably not operating a Telex machine, you certainly face similar challenges. Instead of a telegraph keyboard, many of us hunch over a computer keyboard.

And certainly, with the economy in a slump, you can't afford to mess up. If you mess up, someone from the unemployment lines is waiting to jump right in and take your place.

You constantly feel the pressure to get more done . . . to shine when it comes to work. And when you're under pressure, you're more likely to fumble, draw a blank or foul up all together.

See, stress literally sabotages your mental performance.

As researchers from the State University of New York in Buffalo have shown, stress interferes with the activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This part of the brain allows us to make executive decisions, think flexibly and learn. No wonder we can't think clearly when we're under the gun! [2]

And it gets worse . . . Brain researcher Dr. Bruce McEwen has demonstrated the neural fibers of a stressed brain are shrunken, with hardly any branches to facilitate communication. The fibers in healthy brains are sturdy and thickly branched. [3]

The difference between the two is dramatic. It's like looking at a dead tree and one that was healthy and thriving with lots of new growth and small branches.

McEwen noted that the part of the brain most affected by stress is the hippocampus. This is where learning and memory takes place.

Stress literally shrinks your brain.

That's why eleuthero's brain boosting benefits are so strategic . . .

How Eleuthero Benefits Your Brain - Especially Under Stress

No less than 35 clinical studies have shown eleuthero improves physical and mental performance under stressful conditions.[4]

Eleuthero seems to:

1. speed up your reaction time so you can quickly make assessments and take action;

2. improve learning and memory; and

3. even sharpen vision and strengthen hearing.

Research on Olympic athletes, astronauts, explorers, divers, sailors, factory workers, pilots, train operators and miners all showed eleuthero allowed them to work harder and better longer. It's a favorite among Japanese businessmen who work 12-hour days in a tough and competitive work environment.

Researchers who were studying eleuthero in a 2010 study along with two other adaptogens think part of eleuthero's power is its ability to protect your brain from the damaging effects of stress. Preliminary research indicates eleuthero might stimulate the production of two special proteins - Neuropeptide 7 and Hsp72. These two proteins seem to help protect your brain cells when they are under stress. [5]

Eleuthero has also been shown to help make it easier for your cells to access nutrition and oxygen while helping cells get rid of waste. For the cells of a stressed brain, this is like a refreshing drink of water. By nourishing your brain cells and keeping them free of junk, eleuthero may help your brain perform at a higher clip when you need it to.

Give Your Brain A Boost With Eleuthero

Imagine sitting at your desk - and instead of feeling exhausted, you feel alert, competent and energized . . .

Imagine your boss sighing with relief when you report on another completed project, commenting almost as an aside, "What would I do without you?"

Imagine returning home from work to your "second job" - dinner prep, helping with homework and some sticky financial discussions without losing your cool head. You take on these tasks with the competency of a master.

Eleuthero can't give you skills or knowledge you don't have. But it can give you the power necessary to put these to use effectively. Eleuthero can give you the mental edge you require to navigate the challenges you face today - survive them - and thrive

About Dr. Michael E. Rosenbaum, MD 
Dr. Rosenbaum is a 35-year veteran and widely recognized pioneer in the field of nutritional medicine, alternative healthcare and medical acupuncture. As one of America's most respected experts in natural health and healing, Dr. Rosenbaum has been a frequent lecturer to professional medical groups and has participated in numerous television and radio talk shows. He is also an esteemed member of the Sun Chlorella Advisory Board, which helps guide the medical innovation behind Sun Chlorella products.

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[1] Baburin EF. 1966. On the effect of Eleutherococcus on the results of work and the hearing acuity in radio-telegraphers. In I.I. Brekhman, (ed) Eleutherococcus and other addaptogens among the Far Eastern plants. Far Eastern Publishing House, Vladivostok, USSR. 
[2] Yuen, EY et al. Repeated Stress Causes Cognitive Impairment by Suppressing Glutamate Receptor Expression and Function in Prefrontal Cortex. Neuron, 2012 
[3]Stress: Portrait of a killer. National Geographic video. 2008 
[4] Farnsworth NR et al. Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus): current status as an adaptogen. In: Wagner H, Hikino H, Farnsworth NR, eds. Economic and medicinal plant research. Vol. 1. London, Academic Press, 1985:217-284. 
[5] Panossian A et al. Adaptogens Stimulate Neuropeptide Y and Hsp72 Expression and Release in Neuroglia Cells. Front Neurosci. 2012; 6: 6. Published online 2012 February 1. Prepublished online 2011 November 12. 

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