Essential Pet Supplements For Optimum Pet Nutrition
By: Dr. William Farber, DVM
1 November, 2013 by
Essential Pet Supplements For Optimum Pet Nutrition
Sun Chlorella USA

Who picks you up when you're feeling down . . . no matter what? Who doesn't care if you're having a bad hair day or your socks don't match?

Who nuzzles up to you, healing you with the simple power of touch? And teaches you to appreciate the beauty of each day?

The 4-legged love of your life - your pet.

Unequivocally, our furry friends have changed our lives for the better. But let's be clear, they aren't just a feel-good part of our lives. They are actually great medicine - excellent for our health.

Research shows that pets can help prevent heart attacks and decrease the number of times you go see a doctor. They keep us active. Our pets help us de-stress and relax. [1]

Bottom line, nothing beats the healing power of love.With all the love and restorative energy they bring to our lives, there's no question you want to give the loving gift of health back. And what better way to do this than with some good pet nutrition.

Unfortunately most pet food doesn't do much to provide this. Just like us humans, pets have had to settle for food bulked up with carbs and missing many of the vitamins and minerals they would get from a wild diet.

Thanks to this skewed nutrition - not to mention too much food overall - our pets are now suffering from the same problems we have - diabetes, heart diseaseskin problems and rusty joints.[2]

However, it doesn't have to be that way.

By adding a good pet supplement to your pet's diet, you can help them return to a diet that's closer to the complex diet their ancestors enjoyed in the wild. You can supplement their diet to give them the nutrients many brand-name foods are missing. Like...

Pet Supplement Nutrient #1: Antioxidants

For hundreds of years, carnivores like dogs and cats got a good dose of healthy antioxidants that we usually associate with vegetables and fruits. While they weren't necessarily avid broccoli-eaters, much of the meat they ate came from grazing animals - wild or domesticated. And the antioxidants these prey animals got from their food kept showing up farther up the food chain.

However, today, most of the meat in pet food comes from grain-fed animals. And pet food manufacturers do little to make up for the absence of vitamins critical for your pet's health.

For this reason adding a power-packed, antioxidant and chlorophyll-rich food like the algae, chlorella, can make a huge difference in your pet's energy and wellbeing

Pet Supplement Nutrient #2: Lecithin

Along with grass-fed meats, our pets' ancestors varied diet included organ meats, eggs and fish. And again, this wide spectrum of food sources gave them nutrition that today's pet foods can't match.

The phospholipid, lecithin, is one of these important nutrients. A critical component of every cell membrane, lecithin plays a fundamental role in good health. In particular it supports brain and nerve health and makes a big difference in your pet's glossy coat.

Pet Supplement Nutrient #3: Fiber

As holistic pet veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker explains, in the wild, our pets' ancestors used to not only eat the tender cuts of meat, but the ligaments and fur. Even some of the partially-digested stomach content would end up as part of dinner. These special parts of their diet served a very important role in their digestion. It's how our animal friends got enough fiber. [3]

Fiber helps your pet's body move food through the colon, helps them clean out toxins and supports healthy intestinal bacteria.

Of course, your pets don't get much of this out of a can of pet food. But they can get it from supplemental nutrition like chlorella. Chlorella's fiber is particularly helpful in both cleaning out toxins. And boosting healthy intestinal bacteria growth.

Help Your Pets Revitalize Their Wild Side With Extra Pet Nutrition

While our pets live pretty sedate lives now, they still need a little taste of the wild side to stay healthy.

So love your pets with some extra nourishment.

About Dr. William Farber, DVM
Dr. William Farber earned his degree from Colorado State University of Veterinary Medicine. He is a well-recognized authority on animal acupuncture, and one of the only 300 veterinarians certified by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association. In treating the mind and spirit as well as the body, Dr. Farber combines standard Western techniques with chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and herbal therapies to treat whatever ails, the rats, guinea pigs, horses, dogs, cats, and other creatures who seek his help. He is also an esteemed member of the Sun Chlorella Advisory Board, which helps guide the medical innovation behind Sun Chlorella products.

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[1] Westgarth C et al. Family Pet Ownership during Childhood: Findings from a UK Birth Cohort and Implications for Public Health Research Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010 October; 7(10): 3704-3729. 
[2] Brody J. The truth about cat and dog food. New York Times May 31, 2010. 
[3] Becker K. Is your pet getting too much fiber or not enough? Dr. Mercola's Healthy Pets website. November 19, 2012. 

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