Chlorella Growth Factor
What is CGF and Why is it Unique to Chlorella?
1 February, 2020 by
Chlorella Growth Factor
Sun Chlorella USA

Chlorella Growth Factor Can Help To Rejuvenate Your Body

Deep in each Chlorella cell is a unique complex called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). This special property may be the major factor behind why Chlorella has survived for 540 million years and the reason why Chlorella brings so much vitality to your body.

Chlorella grows and reproduces at an astounding rate. Every 20 to 24 hours, it quadruples its numbers. CGF may also be crucial to this fast regeneration.  Researchers have determined that CGF is produced when Chlorella undergoes intense photosynthesis for this rapid growth. Preliminary research suggests the powers of CGF don't stop with Chlorella; this same ability to regenerate quickly thanks to CGF can be transferred to your body when you eat Chlorella. All cells need materials in order to reproduce, chief among them blueprints that give the cells detailed instructions. In your cells, these blueprints are made of nucleic acids. If your cells don't have these important blueprints, the instructions can be mistranslated. This can lead to problems in cell reproduction and tissue repair down the line.

Close-up on a leaf

CGF is a nucleotide-peptide complex. A good supply of these special blueprint materials can help save your body a lot of work. That's because they can help support overall health and well-being; the body may absorb and use nucleic acid components directly. This saves energy that would normally be used in synthesizing them. When you have enough of the nucleic acids that make up DNA and RNA, you protect your own cellular nucleic acids, and your cells can function efficiently.

CGF also includes special polysaccharides known as beta-glucans. Research indicates these special substances may help play a particular role in immune system health. While the identity and effects of these special compounds are still being clarified, studies have already indicated that Chlorella's beta-glucans may help keep your immune system in peak condition and can help renew your cell's integrity.

Where You Can Find CGF

Every form of Chlorella supplement contains this special complex. Made from milled whole Chlorella cells, our Chlorella tablets give you CGF along with the rest of Chlorella's special nutrition. However, some people like having a more concentrated dose of CGF. Many natural health experts recommend combining the whole Chlorella with concentrated CGF in their wellness plans.

Sun Chlorella Products

For this reason, we've created two flavors of concentrated CGF, our Sun Wakasa products. These specially concentrated products give you only the contents of the nucleus of each chlorella cell.

You can also find CGF combined with stress-relieving, energizing Eleuthero in our Sun Eleuthero Extract.

If you have pets, you can share the revitalizing effects of CGF with them. It's in our special pet supplement, Rejuv-A-Wafers.

For support skin nourishment and rejuvenation, you can get CGF in our Sun Chlorella Cream.

Ready to Find Your Chlorella?

Find your best chlorella that fits your lifestyle. Sun Chlorella offers easy-to-take small tablets, larger tablets, and powder form.


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