5 Stress Relief Tips for Summer
By: Brandi Wagner, RHN
1 August, 2017 by
5 Stress Relief Tips for Summer
Sun Chlorella USA

Putting stress and summer in the same sentence seems counterintuitive, doesn't it?

Although the summer weather adds extra warmth and liveliness to our days, the daily stress we experience doesn't necessarily disappear as of June 21.

Luckily, summer is the ultimate season for learning new stress relief tips and coping mechanisms. With plenty of vitamin D to go around, there are several ways to take care of our health and wellness by promoting stress relief with what summer provides for us naturally.

Here are 5 stress relief tips to use this summer that will enhance your natural wellness.

Meditation on the beach 

Meditation isn't just hype - it's a game changer for relieving stress. It helps to quiet the chatter of the mind that can often result in negative stress while allowing you to refocus and achieve a state of relaxation. Meditation can help enhance creativity and even allow insights and wisdom to flow through, which may be beneficial to problem solving. (Personally, meditation has helped me get clarity with many of the blocks I experience in life!)

If you're not familiar with meditation, it is for anyone and can be done almost anywhere. All that's required is a quiet spot, a comfortable seated position and your attention to your breath.

And while meditation can be done nearly anywhere, there's something extremely magical about meditation on the beach. The tranquil vibes from the ocean can take meditation to an even greater level of peace and relaxation.

Journaling in the sunshine 

Journaling in itself is a form of meditation - a helpful activity for organizing your thoughts and releasing negative emotion.

Take advantage of the summer sunshine and fresh air, and bring your journal outside to a calm, scenic environment for extra stress relief.

 Exercise outdoors

Whenever possible, move your workout routines to nature's gym. Hiking, cycling, running and even outdoor yoga classes are great ways to sweat away the stress while soaking up extra vitamin D throughout the day. Just be sure to take extra care with your skin!

Eat seasonal fresh fruit 

Summer provides us with an abundance of delicious, juicy fruit full of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. (Does anyone else think berries taste like candy!?)

These vitamins and minerals are needed to support the function of your adrenal glands and nervous system, which help control the body's stress response. Without these essential nutrients, you're more likely to respond to negative stress more frequently, which can eventually lead to burnout and exhaustion.

By eating fresh, seasonal fruit, you'll provide your body with the vitamins and minerals that are required to help lower and moderate your body's response to negative stress. What a yummy way to promote a more positive state of being!

Drink Adaptogens 

Since we're on the topic of adrenal glands and your body's stress response, now's the perfect time to mention the health benefits of adaptogens.

Adaptogens are a class of botanical herbs that help your body adapt to stress (hence the name). These herbs are used widely in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese medicine for their efficacy in mood improvement, focus, relaxation, sleep, concentration and their ability to act as energy boosting supplements.

If you've heard of Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Ginseng or Gotu Kola, then you're familiar with a few types of adaptogenic herbs.Our favorite adaptogen is organic sun Eleuthero (sometimes referred to as Siberian Ginseng) for its ability to provide stable energy and a sense of calm.

Known as " the king among herbs,” sun Eleuthero benefits aren't only limited to stress relief and an improved mental state, but also a nutritional supplement for the entire body.

Sipping on an organic adaptogenic tea, such as Infuse Your Mood, is an easy way to include adaptogens in your diet this summer. For a seasonal twist, sip it iced with a splash of citrus on your patio!

These stress relief tips are only the beginning of the peacefulness available to you this summer. This season can be a busy time, so by taking care of your mind and body first, you ensure you'll maintain a positive outlook throughout the season.

About Brandi Wagner, RHN
Brandi Wagner is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist from Vancouver, B.C. Experiencing her own health challenges at a young age led her to become passionate about educating on the healing properties of food, and how to achieve hormone balance, clear skin and sustainable weight loss naturally. In her spare time you'll find Brandi writing in her blog and hanging out with her teacup chihuahua, Coconut.

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