How Sun Chlorella Helps This Marathon Runner Thrive

Meet May Dubois: Avid Marathon Runner for over 30 Years

By: Brandi Wagner, RHN

Meet May Dubois: Avid Marathon Runner for over 30 Years 

The team at Sun Chlorella USA had the chance to meet marathon runner and retired teacher, May Dubois at the LA Marathon Expo. 

When May stopped by the Sun Chlorella booth, we were excited to learn that she’d completed over 150 marathons in the past 30 years in Los Angeles- and that she’s been taking Sun Chlorella for nearly 30 years as well! We were certainly interested in learning more about her experience as a marathon runner and how she prioritizes her health and wellness while continuing to successfully run several marathons each year. 

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When speaking with May, it’s impossible to ignore the contagious enthusiasm and positivity in her voice. As a classical piano player since the age of 2, May wasn’t always of athletic nature. Although she taught tennis lessons and participated in ballroom dancing competitions, it wasn’t until the 1984 Olympics that she became inspired to run marathons. 

May shared the details with us on how she takes care of her health to thrive as an athlete, and how she’s managed to go 17 years without a single trip to the doctor. 

May’s First Introduction to Sun Chlorella

In 1986, May Dubois met with her beautiful friend and Japanese make up artist who gave her an invaluable health and wellness tip she’d never forget. 

“Here, take this” was the only thing her friend said as she handed May a bunch of tiny green Sun Chlorella tablets.

May describes her friend as a model and beauty nut, with youthful, glowing skin and gorgeous hair- a perfect picture of vibrant health. May trusted in this woman and took any piece of advice she offered; she began taking Sun Chlorella tablets every day.

Sun Chlorella for Athletic Support

May had already been taking this health supplement for runners prior to marathons, which she continues to include as a crucial element in her pre and post marathon routine. Although she can’t reference a “before chlorella and after chlorella” point, May shares exactly what she has always done to improve and maintain her performance and endurance.

May’s daily routine for looking after her health and wellness consists of taking a handful of 15 Sun Chlorella tablets paired with other essential vitamins and minerals. She makes no changes in this routine leading up to marathons and after running marathons. By taking these natural health supplements first thing in the morning, May is confident that she is getting all of the nutrients she needs to reduce inflammation, provide her body with electrolytes and energy and aid in post-marathon recovery, which she says is approximately 2-3 days.

It’s no surprise that May recognizes her body’s unique needs and knows them well, having run over 150 marathons to date. On average, May runs four to five marathons per year and credits her success to training consistently, taking proper supplements, eating healthfully and setting aside an appropriate amount of time for rest and recovery.

As you can see, May’s routine is simple and focused on nutrients. She doesn’t include any kind of energy drinks or special protein powders.

Sun Chlorella Isn’t Just for Athletes

While Sun Chlorella is a great health supplement for runners, May says she credits her energy and overall health to the little green tablets she takes every morning. She is no longer surprised when she has high amounts of energy on the odd day she doesn’t get an adequate amount of sleep, and was thrilled to share that she hasn’t been to a doctor in over 17 years.

With the absence of aspirin and antibiotics in her diet, May deals with athletic-related joint pain and headaches naturally through nutrition and health supplements. In addition, May follows general but crucial guidelines for the maintenance of good health, such as avoiding alcohol and smoking while sticking to a simple, nutrient dense diet.

May had one important piece of information to share when it comes to improving health through Sun Chlorella and other nutritional supplements: “Consistency is key. You cannot expect dramatic results overnight as youth is something that is maintained.” May certainly knows what she’s talking about, having started taking care of her youth over three decades ago.

She also touches on the psychological aspect of good health and advises to “go out and live a fulfilled life and do what you’re passionate about. Do not do anything at the expense of someone else, and help other people who are in need. We can do things we’re passionate about when we take good care of our health, which Sun Chlorella provides.”

We believe May is a shining example of what she teaches. Although she’s retired from teaching, she has recently returned to UCLA to continue her education in French literature, philosophy and Neuroscience. She still runs several marathons each year and gets plenty of travel time in.

We couldn’t resist asking her how she stays healthy when traveling. “Sun Chlorella is the first thing I pack,” she said.

About Brandi Wagner, RHN

Brandi Wagner is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist from Vancouver, B.C. Experiencing her own health challenges at a young age led her to become passionate about educating on the healing properties of food, and how to achieve hormone balance, clear skin and sustainable weight loss naturally. In her spare time you'll find Brandi writing in her blog and hanging out with her teacup chihuahua, Coconut.

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