15 Chlorella Health Benefits That Can Help You Make Big Healthy Changes
By: Michael Rosenbaum, MD
It’s amazing what 15 little green pills can do to make your life sing!
And here’s the truly amazing thing . . . In a sense, each of those 15 pills may be helping your body in a different, unique way. Chlorella can help you stay healthy in not just one or two different ways . . . Chlorella can help you stay healthy in 15 different ways!
As a doctor who has practiced for over three decades, I continue to be amazed at the broad spectrum and rich nutrition this little alga offers us! If you’re eager to make some healthy changes in your life, chlorella is an unbeatable deal and an indispensable tool.
Here are 15 different ways this nutritional powerhouse can help you stay healthy:
Chlorella Health Benefit #1: Get Rid Of Toxins
From mercury to cadmium to nickel to dioxin, chlorella has been shown again and again to increase the rate at which your body gets rid of toxins. In a Japanese study, chlorella helped cadmium-poisoning victims get rid of the heavy metal at 7 times the normal rate.[1] Clinical research has also shown chlorella removed mercury from the bowels, blood and cells.
Chlorella Health Benefit #2: Keep Your Immune System Strong
Chlorella has been shown to strengthen your immune system in a number of ways – from boosting immune cell numbers to increasing production of powerful immune chemicals like interferon. Says nutrition researcher, Randall Merchant, Ph. D. “The research I have been conducting at the Medical College of Virginia has convinced me that chlorella is clearly the most powerful natural food you can take daily to support and enhance your immune system function.” [2]
Chlorella Health Benefit #3: Boost Your Brain Power
Your brain desperately needs B12 to stay healthy. Chlorella supplies your body with the only form of this vitamin your body can use. In fact, vegans take note, it is one of the few plant sources on the planet of this active form of B12. Clinical research has also shown chlorella helps seniors boost their recall.
Chlorella Health Benefit #4: Keep Your Heart Pumping
Chlorella’s B12 is also essential for heart health. Vitamin B12 is linked to healthy arteries and blood cell counts. But that’s not all . . . Chlorella supports heart health on multiple fronts. It’s been linked to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and healthy blood pressure levels, too.
Chlorella Health Benefit #5: Goodbye Aches And Pains
In a clinical study involving women suffering from steady morning stiffness and achiness, chlorella helped reduce intensity by 22%. Says study participant, E. Van Rooyen: “I’m able to take really good walks now and I’m traveling better. I’m also not nearly as forgetful as I used to be. I’m sleeping somewhat better and I’m hopeful that I’ll continue to improve daily.”
Chlorella Health Benefit #6: Energize Your Days
At age 64, Janet, gets tired easily because she’s caring for a child with special needs. But chlorella has helped make it easier on her. After taking chlorella regularly for 9 months, Janet reports she sleeps better, and “I keep going like the Energizer bunny rabbit!”
How does chlorella boost your energy? By helping your body regenerate quickly and giving you the nourishment you need, it ensures your body can perform at its best. The result? You feel great!
Chlorella Health Benefit #7: Stay Feeling Young
Because chlorella helps keep you healthy on so many fronts, the total effect can be unbelievable!
Mary Ell is 104 years old. And she’s still dancing and bowling regularly, just like she’s been for years. How does she do it? Certainly her laughter and delight in life is a big factor. But she also takes chlorella regularly. And she says she can feel the difference in how good it makes her feel each day.
Chlorella Health Benefit #8: Get Glowing, Beautiful Skin
Bombarded by the elements, your skin has to constantly replace cells and renew itself. Chlorella’s unique growth factor (CGF) spurs quick regeneration at the cellular level. When you combine this with its high level of protective antioxidants (including the skin’s favorite, Vitamin A) you can see how your skin just soaks chlorella’s nutrition up and asks for more. You can feed it to your skin by taking chlorella as a supplement. Or apply it directly in an anti-aging skin cream.
Chlorella Health Benefit #9: Eagle Eyes
Longtime chlorella user Velva Neumiller surprised her doctors when she didn’t need eyeglasses at age 81 – even though she loves to knit, crochet and embroider! How did Velva defy the “eye experts”? One reason is she took chlorella daily. With its rich supply of carotenoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein, chlorella feeds your eyes the nutrition they need to stay sharp.
Chlorella Health Benefit #10: Have A Healthy Baby
Chlorella is not only safe for pregnant women, it’s beneficial! In a clinical study, researchers demonstrated chlorella decreased the toxin, dioxin, in breast milk and fetal cord blood. And it also increased the level of immunoglobulin A, a key immune molecule passed on from mother to child.
Chlorella Health Benefit #11: Easy Digestion
A good meal should never cause anxiety. But if you have digestive issues, eating can become a hazard instead of a comfort. Taking 10 grams of chlorella a day has been shown in clinical research to reduce cramps, gas, bloating and diarrhea. Its powerful mix of vitamin D, beta-carotene and chlorophyll can help counter inflammation that can lead to digestive woes. And chlorella also seems to boost the presence of healthy probiotic bacteria in your intestines, an essential for digestive health.
Chlorella Health Benefit #12: No More Constipation
If you dread going to the bathroom, chlorella can help. When constipated students at Mimasake Women’s College in Japan took chlorella, they increased the frequency of bowel movements and improved the softness of their stools.
Chlorella Health Benefit #13: Love Your Liver
What would we do without our livers?! Your liver sequesters essential nutrients like B12, helps you metabolize fats and plays a key role in how your body processes toxins.
And a recent clinical trial demonstrates chlorella can play an important role in keeping your liver healthy. High levels of certain enzymes can indicate a stressed liver. When people with high levels of these particular liver enzymes took chlorella on a daily basis, their liver enzyme levels dropped.[3]
Chlorella Health Benefit #14: Clean Teeth And Gums
In the 1950’s the green clean of chlorophyll was all the rage. From mouthwash to surgical dressings, chlorophyll’s cleaning power was used throughout the healthcare world. In a 9 month study at Boys Town in Nebraska, researchers found brushing with chlorophyll-laced toothpaste yielded remarkable improvements in all around dental health – gums and teeth![4]
No such clinical research has been done on chlorella specifically. But because chlorella has the plantworld’s richest sources of this powerful pigment, chlorophyll, chewing up some chorella tablets can most likely do your teeth and gums some good.
Chlorella Health Benefit #15: Healthy Blood Sugar
If you’re worried about keeping your blood sugar levels within the healthy range, chlorella can offer some peace of mind. A recent clinical study demonstrated that not only did chlorella help people maintain healthy blood sugar metabolism – it did so at the genetic level![5]
Get A Healthy Start On The Year With Chlorella
Want 15 ways to get healthier this year? Why not do it the easy way! Improve your health in 15 different ways by taking one simple step –Make chlorella a regular part of your day. While there are dozens of things you can do to improve your health, few single actions can yield this many glorious changes.
Chlorella may be tiny and green. But it can do more for you than most foods on the planet. By taking it every day, you can enjoy easy digestion, a strong immune system, glowing skin, a healthy heart, sharp eyes and much, much more.
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[1] Chlorella, Natural Medicinal Algae by Dr. David Steenblock, p. 20 referencing ‘Effect of chlorella on fecal and urinary excretion in “Itai-Itai”,' Japan Jrnl of Hyg. 1975, 30(10): pp. 77.
[2] Drucker, Mark. Chlorella: The Key To health, Vitality and Longevity. Health and Happiness Publishing. 2002 Greenville, SC. p. 13.
[3] Azocar, J et al. Efficacy and safety of Chlorella supplementation in adults with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. World J Gastroenterol. 2013 February 21; 19(7): 1085-1090
[4] Jensen, Bernard. Chlorella: Gem of the Orient. 1987. p. 27
[5] Mizoguchi T, et al: Nutrigenomics studies on effects of Chlorella on subjects with high risk factors for lifestyle-related disease. J Med Food 11:395-404, 2008
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