4 Nutrients For Healthy Skin
By: Brandi Wagner, RHN
1 December, 2014 by
4 Nutrients For Healthy Skin
Sun Chlorella USA

Summer is officially here and you know what that means it's time for your skincare regimen to get a summer makeover!

We all love us a little vitamin D for health and wellness; however, being frequently exposed to the sun without proper protection against UV rays puts us at risk for sun damage and ultimately skin cancer.It's important to protect and nourish your skin in the warm months by wearing a natural, chemical-free sunscreen each day.

But nutrients for healthy skin keep you protected from the inside out.

That's right your diet is a big part of your summer skincare routine. The foods you put into your body ultimately have a say in whether you burn to a crisp! Your diet can either help improve or worsen your body's defense against the sun. When you take into consideration that a sunburn is an inflammatory response from the body, it makes sense to avoid foods that cause inflammation and can contribute to low resistance against the sun and worsen a burn.

Foods such as refined sugar, meat, alcohol, most dairy products and high omega-6 vegetable oils are considered inflammatory foods. Worst of all (and I hate to be the messenger), these harmful fats are found in all of the most popular beach, picnic and summertime barbeque foods!

On the contrary, anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, veggies (especially dark leafy greens) and omega-3 essential fatty acids might help you avoid burning and instead obtain a gorgeous natural glow. I think that's worth swapping hot dogs and potato chips for watermelon and some salmon, don't you!?

Here are 4 key nutrients for healthy skin to include in your diet for perfect skin this summer.

1. Antioxidants

Antioxidants help protect the body against UV radiation from the sun, which damages the body at the cellular level. Including plenty of antioxidant vitamins (A, C and E) and antioxidant foods or nutritional supplements in your diet is essential for the health of your skin and your cells.

You can get antioxidants from all fruits and vegetables, algae and spices and herbs such as turmeric (curcumin), pure ceylon cinnamon, oregano and green tea.

2: Vitamin D

Although the sun is known for providing us with this vitamin, studies have shown that supplementing with additional vitamin D3 throughout the year can actually be beneficial in protecting against sun damage[1] and may reduce the severity of burns.

Aside from sunshine, you can get vitamin D from egg yolks and fatty fish naturally. Vegan options include fortified cereals and orange juice.Note:

Before taking a vitamin D supplement, be sure to receive approval from your qualified healthcare practitioner. Too much vitamin D in the body is toxic and can lead to serious complications.

3. Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)

Chlorella is the ultimate skincare superfood as it's full of antioxidant vitamins, healthy fats, and minerals. But the one nutrient for healthy skin that really stands out is chlorella growth factor

CGF is known for its nucleic acid content, which gives it the unique ability to regenerate the skin and repair tissue, both of which can be damaged by sun.

That being said, it only makes sense to apply chlorella to your skin for sun protection in addition to your chemical-free sunscreen. Sun Chlorella Cream is a highly effective way of giving your skin nutritional support in the summer. As an anti-aging skin cream, it can be used year round.To supercharge the CGF in your diet, you can also take Sun Chlorella tablets or powder daily.

4. Healthy Fats

Both omega-3 essential fatty acids and certain saturated fats (such as those found in coconut oil and grassfed butter or ghee) are powerful when it comes to protecting the body against inflammation.

Be sure to include plenty of wild salmon, avocado, nuts, hemp protein or hemp hearts and chia seeds in your diet while avoiding the unhealthy fats found in deep fried foods, heavy creams and refined vegetable oils.

About Brandi Black, RHN
Brandi Black is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist from Vancouver, B.C. Experiencing her own health challenges at a young age led her to become passionate about educating on the healing properties of food, and how to achieve hormone balance, clear skin and sustainable weight loss naturally. In her spare time you'll find Brandi writing in her blog and hanging out with her teacup chihuahua, Coconut.

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